River Great Ouse - Offord (31)
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Arrival time: 10.30
Weather: Bright with increasing cloud and freshening wind.
Tackle: 9ft Shimano Aero X1 feeder rod with 1oz quiver, Shimano Exage 1000RC reel, maggot feeder, 5lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Maggot & worm.
Fish: One perch and one ruffe.
With my left hip limiting my walking range I decided to go to the Top Stream at Offord which is only about a five minute walk from the car park. This choice was also influenced by the fact that the water level had been high following heavy rain and the Top Stream offered perhaps the least affected stretch, although in fact the main river had returned to normal levels. I stopped off at the tackle shop for maggots and worms, thus delaying my arrival.